
Welcome. Thank you for visiting.

I hope I can create a calm space for others who are currently struggling with their mental health.

I will be sharing my writing and posts all about Mental Health. Going through my own struggles all I wanted to do was to talk to someone or find something that would help me. I soon realised that people tend to hide away from openly speaking about mental health. This makes it an even more lonely place. I believe that talking about something you have experienced or going through may help others in the same position. If it means that even one person reading this will find some comfort then it is worth me writing about. It should be a topic that is openly discussed without any fears of judgment. It is something so important and people still don’t talk about it enough and I hope I can change that in any way I can. I hope I can spread love and support to anyone else struggling with their mental health. To raise awareness and help break the stigma. My posts will be mostly about anxiety and depression.

Sending love, light and positive energy your way.

Happy Reading ….

IG: mymentalhealthtalks

Youtube: Mymentalhealthtalks: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCxaCAQMT63ntAAZw66wy7Qw/videos

It’s nicer when you can put a face to the words. So here’s me with my Brucie. Love to you all..

Z O x