I tried acupuncture to help improve my mood, I know it is not a cure for depression but when researching I was willing to try anything, I still am. Acupuncture is really good for pain but I went purely based on my depression and hoping I would maybe walk out feeling the same way I did before. I remember laying there on my very first sessions thinking, ‘is this working?’ – Of course, it’s not so simple.
My First Acupuncture Session
I had no idea what to expect, I cried sitting on the chair opposite the acupuncturist, and I said how I am willing to try anything to help with my mood and depression. We went through a form together and spoke about this feeling before we got started.
She used a total of 16 needles. I was nervous these would hurt or what If I fall off the bed or something and the needles get stuck inside my flesh. I almost didn’t care because what could possibly be worse than this feeling inside me? All kinds of weird thoughts were going through my mind. Before I knew it, she had carefully placed all of the tiny needles on different parts of my body. This included arms, legs, feet, abdominal area and head & (forehead).
I laid there still like a corpse. I felt cold. I didn’t quite feel comfortable at first. The session was just over an hour. She dimmed the lights and played some Zen music in the background. I laid staring at the ceiling wondering how I ended up here? Tears started to fall, I was worried she would notice I was crying. I just closed my eyes. She came over once or twice to check on the needles and ask if I was okay. I didn’t know what to say or how to feel.
I remember leaving the sessions feeling lighter, (not better) just a little more relaxed. Like I could sleep for a day or two. I didn’t feel different, deep down I was hoping I would. I went home and just slept. I had booked sessions to go back but they were all cancelled due to the virus. I want to keep doing it as having one session is not enough to really know if it helps.
Have you tried acupuncture before? What are your thoughts?
Love to you all
Zo x
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