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General Medical
Brain Chemicals – What are they?

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We hear about some of the chemicals in our brains but what are they and how do they change our mood? How can a ‘chemical imbalance’ cause anxiety and depression?…
One day at a time

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 I know how easy it is to panic and fret over the future and future events that are yet to happen. Our minds are conditioned in such a way that…
MH Figures and Stats

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MH Figures and Stats Mental health is a broad subject and not just ‘one’ thing. I was interested in researching some facts and figures to do with mental health. Below…
The different faces of depression

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The different faces of depression Depression is a complex illness. Depression is not the same for everyone and is experienced very differently by each of us. Depression is not caused…
Types of mental health problems

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Types of mental health problems Mental health is NOT one thing. There are a number of illnesses that fall into mental health. It is important that we don’t assume it…
General Support
Panic Attacks

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Panic Attacks What are panic attacks and what causes them? Panic attacks are terrifying, there are a number of reasons why we have them. Panic attacks are an overwhelming wave…
Support Therapy

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Depersonalisation. Disassociation. Derealisation. What are they? These are all the same. This is when our minds cannot cope with the stress and anxiety or trauma and therefore our brains almost…
Advice Support Therapy
Where to seek help

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Where to seek help When I first started to feel this way I didn’t know who to speak to. It is important that you seek professional help, do not listen…
My Top 10 Reads – Depression and self-help

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This is just a short list of the books that have helped me with my depression. They have helped me understand what I am going through and that I am…
10 things depression effects

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10 things depression effects: Socialising with others – even the thought of being anywhere and doing anything is terrifying. Appetite – depression makes you lose interest in food and a…